
I lost my job of 4 years today because of false allegations. I don't think it's fair that residents can say whatever they want and get innocent people into trouble. A lot of them know how this works and it's not fair. I have done this for 40 years! This last 3 months has just not been good and accusations flying everywhere about crazy things. It's obvious these people have mental problems but it puts me in jeopardy of losing my license because they make a false allegation. What about those residents that hit us, kick us, bite us? Where's the CNA protection. I got into this career to help people and now after this I don't want to anymore. 40 years, for what?

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I have worked on and off in this industry for years. The pay stinks and we take all types of abuse. You would think that these administrators who run these jack leg places would know their residents and their fabricated stories, but they don't. This is why we need to be unionized. My Uncle C. told me years ago to never fall in love with any job. He said that they can fire you for no reason. I worked as a staffing coordinator years ago for not much pay. They were paying a little above the CNA pay grade and were working me to death. The job should have paid much more. They laid me off. Later, this agency was sited for Medicaid/Medicare fraud and settled for over 160 million dollars paid back to the government. Last I checked, they closed up shop again in DC and had committed fraud again in 2011. They had rebranded under another name because the original name had a red flag on it. Little did I know, that when they hired me, they did not tell me that I was hired because they were going to close up shop because apparently, they were under investigation then and we were more or less acting as sitting ducks.

On your next job search, research the reviews first, and then make your decision based on it.

I filed for unemployment and finally landed a job in a totally different field. I retired from the job in 2020 because they outsourced my job. I took the retirement package which was a godsend. I got severance pay for six months.
File for unemployment, and if they refuse your claim because of this, appeal it. You will get a phone interview and give them as much information as you can. The state decides, and not the employer. They are aware of these type of situations and know how companies work.

I would contact the Board of Nursing and find out what the procedure is for Certified Nursing Assistants being falsely accused and fired from a job because of it. Check your file to see if anything false has been placed on your file. Also, you can file a complaint against the facility with the Department of Health. You can be fired from a job, but they can't place anything in your file without any proof. I don't think accusations from a patient with mental health issues would stand up in court. Most of these jobs are AT Will so they can fire you for no reason. And no, they don't give a crap about their staff.

I called the Board of Nursing and the department of finance for Medicaid and reported an incident. Also, I reported the situation to the integrity line since this client was not allowing me to do what was on the nursing care plan, and expected me to lie on the care plan. I reported the situation to my agency.

I work as a Home Health Aide for now and have had some doozies for clients yelling and screaming, cursing and lying. I was being investigated for something an old client said to her CSW (Community Social Worker) and the nurse from my agency called. I told her that nothing happened and that the client was upset about something she was talking about regarding her cheating husband from fifty years ago. It made no sense what was going on. I went back to the client so I wouldn't be AWOL and the client kept hanging up on me. I called the agency and the client told them that she was not home. This client suffered from paranoia being in a foreign country and was afraid that people were going to retaliate against her if she made a complaint. I told the agency to please remove me from the case because I could not work for someone who was hostile and afraid of me for whatever reason. We got along fine in the beginning, but later the client started becoming paranoid and fearful. My next client was bedridden but his partner did most of the heavy lifting, and we worked perfectly together. My client recently passed away; so, I'm in between cases right now.

I know that this is a sharp blow to you, but I would apply to jobs because they need good aides to work. There is a need out there.

I am truly sorry that you have experienced this. Even if a person unintentionally falsely accuses an employee, it still causes damage. Honestly, this can happen also with overly zealous family members who don’t allow professional staff to do their jobs.

If you worked on your job for forty years, you have seen it all. I am preaching to the choir because I am not telling you anything new. I am validating your comments.

Personally, I think every room should have cameras. A picture is worth a thousand words! It’s protection for the residents and the staff.

We have cameras in daycare centers for children. When a teacher is questioned about something, they will look at the camera for verification.

There are crazy parents out there too who accuse teachers of crazy things. I know a kindergarten teacher who was fired because her shoe fell off while she was reading stories to the children.

The class was seated on the floor in circle enjoying the story read by the teacher. A student decided to play with her toes when her shoe slipped off.

The young boy went home and told his parents about his teacher’s feet and they went to the principal of the school and claimed that she was allowing him to fondle her feet!

The teacher was originally from Ireland. She was very happy to be living in America until this situation occurred.

This incident happened at a Catholic school that my daughter was attending. The teacher was fired!

There were no cameras to prove her innocence. The family who accused the teacher are extremely wealthy and gave generous donations to the church and school. Unfortunately, sometimes money talks!

Certain people think if they are spending lots of money they feel that they can say or do whatever they want. It’s very disturbing.

Your job was your bread and butter. It hurts to have that taken away from you when there isn’t a valid reason for being fired. Your reputation was damaged by untrue allegations.

Again, I am truly sorry and hope that you will find a job soon.

Wishing you all the best as you begin anew.

This is a problem.
The only good thing I can say here is that most memory care and ALFs KNOW it is a problem.
My brother went into ALF really QUITE with it, with a diagnosis of probable early Lewy's Dementia. He was well enough to keep up his meticulously tidy room and to go for his walks, but roses for the tables, and again write me his long interesting letters. BUT I saw the early creeping in of paranoia in the following way.
He was not allowed to keep money in his room. Hated using his charge card for small things like toothpaste, a pair of sweat pants, movie outing and etc. so he kept about 500.00 in his room, and kept it hidden in his locked closet hidden in a book. Great. I told him that was his responsibility and if lost we bit the big one as it was against the rules.
So it was lost. And he "KNEW" (he thought) who took it. And thought this person waited until he signed out for his walk to "do his room". And I finally said "I don't want to hear this, because you DON'T have anything but that you don't care for this person. And I KNOW what it is to be accused of something you didn't do (was an RN). He told admin anyway and they had to report it as that's the rule and the cops had to come as THAT is the rule and reports made. The cop, a woman, was supposed to go to his room with him and look, but she thought he was so with it she took his word after seeing his neat room.
Later didn't it show up in his white towels? Sure it did. And right where he put it. And he was afraid to tell them or me as afraid he would be considered senile. Found out when I visited with more 20s and he paid for lunch with a 100, and I said "Where did you get THAT".

This is just one story in something that is common, which you know.
I can only say that those who for some reason a senior decides they "don't like" is the one often accused. I think that the facilities know this, but because elders ARE SO OFTEN ABUSED FINANCIALLY they must follow rules.

I wish I could tell you what to do. I DO KNOW how this feels. You have only your reputation which is sometimes dependent on length of service, and again, how well "liked you are".

I am sorry you are going through this.

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