
I have contacted one lawyer who will not take the case due to it not making enough money. We are contacting more. Apparently laws were secretly put in place at the time of covid in our state which make it difficult but not impossible to sue. The office I communicated with claimed it was not possible which is wrong and said it would only be an aggravated pressure sore case.

My father’s pressure sore has now progressed to stage 4 from I believe stage 1 now, while he was in 2 different hospitals and with 2.5 months of supposed home wound care. We are the ones who are doing most of the care and they never said anything about what was going on and did not care. I asked them numerous times why isn’t it healing.

I finally managed to take him to a wound care clinic amid myriad other crises who said and his hernia surgeon also says now, it is stage 4.

Are there any good elder care lawyers who actually care about righting a grave injustice over how much money a case will bring them?

My father entered the hospital mobile / able to walk with his walker, he was not incontinent, he was ok in his mind, and he had a mild pressure sore. They exposed him to covid and he went back a week later and then left with incontinence from covid, near insanity, immobility and a stage 3 sore which is now stage 4 due to improper home care. He is in terrible condition! This is wrong.

He also has now diastolic heart failure which numerous doctors failed to diagnose even though his legs were swollen and his gp abandoned him after this also failing to diagnose chf and refused to provide homecare.

He will be getting tavr surgery soon which will hopefully save his life and give him a better quality of life.

wth is wrong with this country that it is allowing this kind of negligence and malpractice with no consequences whatsoever? I am beyond disgusted. It is not only my father who has been harmed, we his children are the ones who have to try to fix this nightmare.

My brother wants to write the suit himself if no one will help my father. I would like to sue the federal gov as well for failure to respond appropriately to the pandemic and to warn people of the dangers. I am also a covid long hauler having constant back pain, fatigue and breathing issues after covid pneumonia last year.

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Litigation isn’t the answer to all problems. The Senate enacted the litigation restrictions during the first Covid response. Doctors who were volunteering to go into hot spots where they didn’t always know patients. They also didn’t have ideal work conditions needed the protection.

Pressure sores can move rapidly in the elderly. Their overall health can influence outcomes. Your father has many issues and they might not all be the result of poor care. Some may be a result of age and overall health.
Helpful Answer (8)
meed123 Apr 2021
Bad reply. I am not looking for excuses for what happened to my father. If you don't have concrete help DO NOT REPLY.All of what I mentioned except chf was a direct result of covid exposure and grossly negligent care.
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You're not going to get a lawyer to take a case for exposing someone to Covid. You're exposing yourself to Covid every time you step out your door, or anyone that has been outside comes in.

Your plan to sue the Federal Government for "failing to respond appropriately" to Covid is even more ridiculous.

Your "lawsuit" would be laughed out of court.

It sounds like you're grieving for your father's loss of independence, and are in the "anger" stage.

Forget the lawsuit fantasy and focus on what's real, getting help for your father.
Helpful Answer (8)

Dr. Fauci tried diligently to warn Americans about the pandemic. Nor was he the only one by any means. This was a new disease and you have to expect a lot of confusion and uncertainty about treatments, etc. etc. It is one thing to file a lawsuit but quite another to win it. After all, what are established standards of care that were violated in regard to Covid 19?
Helpful Answer (6)
meed123 Apr 2021
I am not suing Dr Fauci but I guess you know prolly know that. He did however say early on along with the lie of the cdc that masks would not help the wearer which is obviously false to anyone with half a brain.

Covid did not erase basic standards of care but I am sure you know that as well. They exposed him to covid which caused incontinence, near insanity, immobility and who knows what else. Then they proceeded to give him the worst possible treatment due to him having covid which included cruelty and which caused his pressure sore to progress to stage 4 which is grossly negligent.

You mention in ur first post that Dad has had health problems the last two years. You list Parkinsons as one of them. You also say in both postings that his doctors have not been too good in diagnosing his health problems. Not saying that COVID did not make his existing problems worse but his problems were not caused by COVID. With his health problems COVID is going to hit him harder. Its going to take him longer to bouce back especially with all his health problems.

You admit he already had that pressure sore. If its at the base of his spine they are very hard to heal. No tissue there. I do admit that you should have had homecare for the wound. At least to show you how to care for it. This could have been done thru Dads PCP, he could have ordered it. Homecare is usually ordered after a stay in the hospital and/or rehab. Its not ongoing. Medicare does not pay longterm. To be truthful, they may have suggested Palliative care.

CHF does not get better. A valve will not correct a heart muscle that can't pump correctly anymore. The only cure is a heart transplant. Parkinsons does not get better and Dementia goes hand and hand with it. So if he was already showing signs a hospital stay and COVID could make the the Dementia progress faster.

I also doubt if any lawyer will take your case. Your Dad is a very sick man. Maybe try and put that anger aside for his sake. Your energy needs to be in caring for him and enjoy having him with you as long as possible.

If Dad can't afford to pay for help, then see if he fits the Medicaid criteria. Maybe you can get an aide thru them a few hours a day to give you a break.
Helpful Answer (6)
meed123 Jun 2021
I did not list pd as one, I said that one of his doctors suspected he had this so it was a possibility, he has never had a diagnosis of that yet. Before he was exposed to covid, he was walking around with a walker by himself, he was not incontinent, and he was not having these severe mental issues, among other things, that was ALL brought on by covid which also pushed the other undiagnosed underlying heart condition into an acute crisis.

He does not have a lung condition such as copd etc. he has life long asthma which is well controlled. At the time of his covid infection pleural effusions were diagnosed and it was never made clear what was causing them, both covid pneumonia and chf were listed as causes. He does now have diastolic congestive heart failure, which went undiagnosed by MULTIPLE DOCTORS, most notably his gp of 40 years who is a quack, who has also committed malpractice more than once and who abandoned him in the middle of all of this refusing to rx desperately needed homecare.

After covid he now cannot walk by himself at all, even with a walker and help it is very difficult, he is bladder incontinent and he continues to have severe mental issues as well as numerous other problems- this was an overnight change btw starting with the sars cov2 infection, when he became very weak and could not make it upstairs and then started with the incontinence urinating non stop for 24 hours and at the same time he became very mentally confused, and NO it was due to a uti, covid caused all of this.
Lawsuits are frightfully expensive and malpractice lawsuits are rarely successful. You have to pay for everything up front except your lawyer (if you could even get one). We were involved in a pretty basic non-disclosure real estate lawsuit, and we paid around $60,000 out of pocket for everything from copies to research services to depositions to expert witnesses (about $400/hour just for the witnesses). In the end, they settled, and we received enough money for the attorney to get $40,000 and we got $59,000. (Remember, we'd spent $60,000.) That took three years out of our lives. Medical lawsuits are infinitely more complicated than what we dealt with.

Bottom line -- it isn't worth it unless there's gross negligence, and sorry to say, your dad's situation isn't that. As others have said here, your dad had conditions already, and Covid just makes things worse. Medicine isn't an exact science, and doctors know even less than they normally do because of Covid.

The only person who would stand to get anything from this is your dad -- sorry, but you and your siblings cannot be plaintiffs. If your brother writes up a lawsuit without being an attorney, the chance of it being tossed out is in the range of 100%. The law is extremely complicated, and an amateur would fail just trying to get the proper language in the suit. Our lawsuit was tossed once just because our attorney didn't list the people we were suing to the judge's liking. That cost us an extra three months while waiting for another court date.

It's extremely common for an elderly person to go into the hospital in one condition and to come out far worse. My own mother was in the hospital with a septic leg wound in December, and came out with the wound healed, but she had three pressure sores (and still has one on her heel) and Covid. Her cognizance is down to about 10%, she doesn't eat anymore, and she's slowly dying. It's what happens sometimes, because they don't easily bounce back from hospital stays. That's why she's now on hospice care. I'm not sending her back to a hospital again.

You'd all do better to focus your attention on caring for your dad and stop wasting energy and money on something you'll never win. I know it's hard to watch, but your anger does nothing to help your dad.
Helpful Answer (5)
Bridger46146 Apr 2021
Good points. Suing will accomplish nothing
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Dad has many underlying conditions. I doubt that you would find an attorney to take a case like this.

"I am caring for my father, living at home with age-related decline, anxiety, cancer, depression, heart disease, incontinence, lung disease, mobility problems, osteoporosis, parkinson's disease, and urinary tract infection."

try to concentrate your time and efforts on helping him the best you can.
Helpful Answer (4)

You certainly have the right to rant and express your anger at what you feel is injustice by the federal gov't and some physicians who misdiagnosed or didn't diagnose your father's medical condition, but the generalities you present would never even make into a court room. Winning a lawsuit alleging negligence and malpractice can be very lucrative to a law firm. It's not that the lawyer you contacted wouldn't be paid enough, it's that they don't see a case here. With indisputable evidence, it's hardly one they would pass up. As far as COVID warnings and not doing enough, mask mandates, social distancing, virtual meetings and lock downs all were meant to stem the spread of the virus. What additional response would you see as appropriate? I would suggest you pray for your father's successful surgery and forget any legal action.
Helpful Answer (4)

Any time a person goes to the hospital they are "exposed to covid". As are the doctors nurses and all the rest of the staff who work there on a daily basis.

My DH and I have spent more time in hospitals this past year, during the pandemic, than ever before in our lives, exposing ourselves to the virus each time, but there were health issues that needed to be addressed each time. Had we caught the virus during one of those hospital stays or visits, would it have been the hospitals "fault"? I think not. It's the risk we agreed to take when we stepped inside the doors every single time.

My mother went to the hospital in 2011 for ulcerative colitis. Because they did not use pressure cuffs on her legs during her stay, she developed a DVT in her leg. At midnight on Christmas Day, she got an ivf filter surgically implanted into her aorta to prevent blood clots from traveling into her lungs and killing her. Some managed to get thru anyway and hospitalized her again 2 weeks later. She lived thru it. She's 94 now with advanced dementia and says she wants to die daily. We did not file a lawsuit against the hospital but I did file a complaint with the patient advocate. That and $5 bought me a cuppa Starbucks.

Covid was treated very seriously, too seriously according to many, with extended lockdowns which put many into bankruptcy, depression and suicide. We're still wearing masks, 13 months later, and getting jabbed with experimental vaccines nobody knows the long term effects of. And now "booster" jabs are being worked on for more strains, so God knows how many more jabs our government will expect us to line up for.

The entire world has suffered tremendously already and many have died. More will suffer and die, too, while scientists and medical experts furiously try to figure the whole mess out. Many mistakes have been made, too, namely by governors sending sick elders from hospitals into nursing homes and killing thousands of seniors as a result. No lawsuits can be filed there either, I don't think.

I am sorry your father has health issues from Covid and negligent care and all the rest of what's happened. And that you're having long term issues from the virus yourself. I hope you can find a resolution that will satisfy you and alleviate your anger, and that your dad heals from pressure sores and gets well. And I hope more than anything that God helps the whole world get through this miserable pandemic and back to some semblance of normalcy once again.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)
Grandma1954 Jun 2021
How did you manage to get out of Starbucks for only $5.00!?
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Meed, I think that you are on the wrong forum.

This is a forum for caregivers to support one another and share their experiences and opinions on how to get through the caregiving journey.

You should find a forum that is specifically for legal issues, because this is not even remotely the place to ask how to file a lawsuit.

So, yes, you will be disappointed with all the answers.

I hope that you can find the care your dad needs to heal his wound, I understand that they are pretty painful.
Helpful Answer (3)

Please note that this post is from early April. Looks like someone replied to it bringing it back up.
Helpful Answer (1)
Isthisrealyreal Jun 2021
Thanx! Didn't catch that.
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