
How will everyone react when Covid is no longer an issue? What do you think we will learn from this experience? Are there new pandemics in our future?

Stay safe, everyone! This past year has been very stressful for all of us.

Cannot wait until 2020 is over! Hopefully 2021 will be much happier for all of us.

Feeling sad over everyone who has died with Covid and for the loved ones that are grieving their loss. God bless all of you.

There wasn’t a suitable category so I selected medications, closest to the vaccine category that I could find.

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List published yesterday said frontline workers will get vaccine, then elderly, those with chronic illnesses and on down. 25 - 40 are last. My doctor keeps a priority list for flu shots, etc. I guess she will use something similar for Covid.

Thanks, Bridger. That’s good to know. God knows that our healthcare workers need all of the protection that they can get, along with our elderly.

How is your family? You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers.

We all have some battle or another with Covid 19, some personal, some professional, some combinations of both.

My life has been changed, but as the caregiver of a feisty woman of 92 who is a 6 month survivor of this horror, I am counting my blessings and hoping and praying I’ll see her again soon.

I’m not sure how soon the vaccine will be available to my husband and myself, and as of July 2020 our doctor wasn’t recommending it, but I sure would love to feel as though I had more freedom of mobility than I have now.


It’s true. We have all been effected by this. Some much more than others. God bless all the survivors of Covid. Glad your 92 year old made it!

It feels like a sci-fi movie.

My local news at noon said that Pfizer is going to apply for emergency permission to start distributing the vaccine. Downside - since the vaccine has to be stored at such low temperatures, it will have to be administered at hospitals, which I imagine will slow down the process of getting vaccinated. It also becomes problematic in rural areas where there aren't any hospitals nearby.

I think, for me at least, the biggest adjustment is going to be when we no longer have to social distance, especially when I'm on line at the grocery store. I can see being very uncomfortable for a while when people are back in my "personal space"; it's amazing how quickly that became normal. I only hope going back will become normal quickly, too. But I can see, especially at first, people's tempers being a little frayed when others get too close to them.


Yeah, the freezing temperature is going to make it a different situation.

We can’t go to our doctor’s office or our neighborhood Walgreens to get the vaccine like we can for our flu shot or shingles vaccine. I feel for the hospital staff, don’t you?

I think that you speak for many in saying that this has impacted how we will think or feel about social interactions. Good point!

The problem with the Pfizer vaccine is that it has to be refrigerated and most dr’s offices, clinics and pharmacies don’t have enough space or enough refrigerators to properly store the amount of vaccines that need to be distributed.

I can tell you I'm not holding out much hope for a chance to get one before next fall.

Just a thought, about 40% of the population gets their flu shots. Wonder if the same percentage would get the covid vaccine? And the other 60% do not?

On a second note, I wonder before one gets the covid vaccine, will they need to get tested for covid, a rapid test? Because if one has no symptoms yet has the virus, I wonder how that would play if they do get the vaccine?

Pfizer's vaccine is out for me.   I'm not getting anything rushed through on emergency use, especially given the refusal of certain individuals to cooperate with pandemic guidance of doctors.   I'm not a guinea pig.

I will take it after it's been through the 3 (?) level test, and administered more widely.   Something created under as much political meddling but legitimate medical need isn't anything I'm going to chance.

If there's any option to take a German vaccine, that would be my priority choice.

This is what I am wondering too. How many people will take it? Especially since it has to be kept frozen. People will have to go to a hospital for it.

Plus because it’s new, many people will be skeptical to take it.

I can tell you alot of us front line workers do NOT want to be test group for a vaccine that has been rushed through! And even our hospital is not sure we can keep it frozen at neg, 90 degrees! Needed for storage.


Can they require you to take it?

This makes me second guess it if healthcare workers are skeptical about it.

GA, personally, I think we're ALL guinea pigs for ANY and ALL vaccines that are being released by various companies. Any vaccine that hasn't withstood the test of time is a risky thing. And, who knows if it will be effective? And, who knows if everyone has to take it in order for it TO be effective? The 'who knows' are way more prevalent than anything with the vaccines, let's face it.

There is a video out there by an English or Australian woman; it's about the vaccine by Astra Zeneca. Towards the end of the video, she points to the wording on the back of the box which says,

"The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs reaction texts are missed."

The vaccine manufacturers are expecting a high volume of adverse reactions, although they won't be mentioning that to us beforehand, most likely.

I won't be taking any vaccines until more information/statistics come out about them. And any long term effects will not be known for years to come. That's the scary part.

I wonder if it will be mandatory though. Will we need a little card we carry in our wallet that shows we received it before we are allowed entry into certain places?

I agree with others on here. I certainly don't want to be a guinea pig.

Well the flu shot is manditory at my hospital, even a co worker who had a bad reaction was required to take it,, they had her come in on her day off and sit for 5 hours with an epi pen beside her. She had a letter from her Dr saying she should not have it. So I assume we may be forced to take it


That’s stressful for the workers at your hospital.

Well I say, let those who want the vaccine have it. They can have me. I don’t want it, I don’t trust it. For the same reason I have decided my daughter will not get the HPV vaccine—we simply don’t know what the long term side effects is. We don’t know how truly safe it is. So no COVID vaccine no HPV vaccine (and we are a pro-vaccine family). And I don’t know if this is true or not but I just read something that says there is not a chip IN the vaccine, the chip will be on the needle. So they will inject us with a chip? Again I don’t know if that’s true but all the more reason not to get the vaccine IMO. This vaccine isn’t like others so.....I will politely decline one and they can give mine to someone else who wants it. The vaccine should be first come, first served. Voluntarily.

I have a strong suspicion health care workers will be forced to get the vaccine. Most hospitals have made the flu shot mandatory this year.

As far as mandatory COVID vaccines, in the US they have figured out ways to force it on you. Most states now require all children to be fully immunized otherwise they can’t go to school and many including California do not allow religious exemptions. I would not be surprised if employers start requiring it and absent a union contract, they can fire anyone who won’t get it. Ticketmaster announced a week or 2 ago that they would require proof of the vaccine in order to attend concerts. The backlash was so bad that they reversed course the next day. Now they say their promoters may require it. To that I say, good luck. Good luck getting enough people to comply. Good luck staying in business with such a policy. Time will tell how they try to force the vaccine on us.

I read the stuff about the chip awhile back when Bill and Melinda Gates were sponsoring vaccine research. I don’t remember their reasoning for wanting the chip, but I’m suspicious of tech people and their ideas about what is helpful to the public. I don’t do Facebook because I feel like it’s huge data collection agency.

We tell our employees when vaccines are available and we will pay, but they are not mandatory. I suspect facilities may be forced to require Covid. We are in the process of selling our privately owned facility to a corporate group. I hope the sale is final before they can force us with Covid vaccine mandatory. We supposed to close 12/15.

A word to the wise, never open an assisted living, skilled nursing or nursing home. No matter how hard you try, it’s a thankless, no profit, and constant in your face complaints business. My sons (a lawyer and a CPA) tell us to open a bar or Starbucks the next time.

I’ve heard the Pfizer vaccine needs to be stored at 90 degrees. The other vaccine (Medusa?) can be refrigerated. The Pfizer vaccine is a live virus (I believe), the other a dead virus which makes sense as to why it needs to be stored at a higher temp.

At my job as a RN now it is strongly suggested we get the Flu vaccine & have to sign a waiver if we don’t but none of us get fired because we refuse. I’m uncertain if I will take the SAR-COV-2 vaccine. I don’t want to get Covid, however so will have to weigh the pro’s and con’s as the vaccine becomes available.

OMG, I can't believe I'm seeing the Bill Gates chip theory again, I thought that would have died by now... seriously people, just because somebody says something doesn't make it real. There are people who have legitimate reasons for avoiding vaccines but IMO the most vocal of the anti-vaxers are not usually among that group.

Maybe I'm crazy, but as soon as they tell me I'm eligible to get this vaccine, I will roll up my sleeve and get it.

I am so tired of every time I sneeze, wondering in the back of my mind if I've been exposed. I'm tired of living with this bunker mentality.

If the vaccine was discovered by "Billy Bob's Beer, Bait and Covid Vaccine" company, it would give me pause to think. If this had been rolled out a week before the election, it might make me think. But in my opinion (and this is only my opinion), Pfizer is a big drug company that has way more to lose than to gain by rolling out a dangerous vaccine.

I do get that the long term ramifications are unknown - but so are the long term ramifications of getting Covid, especially for myself and my family, all of whom have underlying health conditions.

I have gotten the flu shot multiple times with no ill effects, except a slightly sore arm. I have gotten other vaccines successfully, so I expect the same will happen with this one.

For those of you who are leery, I totally get it, and no judgement here from me, we all have to do what we think is safest for ourselves and our families. But in my case, I truly believe the benefits outweigh the risks.

There will always be some pandemic. (roughly about 100 years apart)
Will we learn anything? NO. There was the same resistance to wearing masks just over 100 years ago with that Flu and we are dealing with the same resistance now.
In general people are REACTIVE not PROACTIVE.
Seems like there is just enough time between pandemics that the people that went though it are all gone and the stories are not carried to the following generations.

Another problem is the use of antibiotics has made more and more resistant strains. (this effects bacteria not virus though)

People are going to places and doing things for "adventure" that brings more exposure to more people. What once took Weeks or Months to travel around the globe now takes hours. The term Quarantine is an old maritime practice. During the Bubonic Plague ships were held out of port for "quaranta giorni" that is Italian for 40 days. This is no longer done, imagine the disruption to our lives if it were. But a ship that had already taken 2 weeks to get from point A to point B is now sitting for another 40 days just to make sure the people on board are not contagious.
And there will always be those that will not get a vaccine for any number of reasons from allergies to components, underlying conditions that make it impossible to those that have the Religious freedom to reject a medication, these are the ones that rely on "Herd Immunity"

Will I get the vaccine? Sure when it is available to me. Chances are by next year it will probably be incorporated into the yearly flu shot if they can figure a way to combine them in a cost effective way. Lets get the First Responders, and Health Care Workers first.

Personally I think 2021 is going to be like this year has been.
I hope you all have a Peaceful Thanksgiving.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay 6 feet apart

I myself will be first in line. My age puts me in the high risk category. One of the most frequent and long lasting emotions of a widow or widower is loneliness. Covid hasn't helped that situation. But I don't think a vaccine will eliminate the virus for good. I think it will be like the flu where we will have to get annual vaccines. I hope not. This pandemic has certainly changed lives and taken many lives. I hope we never get caught this off guard again. I'm anxious to get back into a movie theater, give friends and family hugs and get rid of this damn mask! So to all others in the forum, take precautions, be safe, and yes, wear the damn mask.

CWillie I read it in the newspaper about two weeks ago so it’s still out there. I’ll probably take the vaccine. If someone wants to track me with a chip, they’re in for some serious boredom Following me around in my small town.


I hope you’re right and another pandemic is 100 years away!

We will all be dead by then!

I agree about the antibiotics. My youngest daughter had strep throat when she was five and it took several rounds of antibiotics, reaching up to the strongest one before it went away.


I think we are all guinea pigs too!

What about flying? I wonder about after my husband’s cancer treatments are over, we would like to go see our daughter in Denver.

Do you think restrictions will apply on airlines?

Could the vaccine become required to fly?

What’s going on with the airline industry? Do you think they will survive this financially? Will they receive a bailout if needed?

We don’t want to drive to Denver from New Orleans.

I suppose that would take four or five days with taking breaks. I can’t remember how long it took my daughter. She made one stop in Austin, TX to visit a friend, then another stop in New Mexico, then to Denver.

My youngest daughter got that HPV vaccine. The pediatrician said she was giving it to her children.

I think my daughter was in junior high when she got it. It’s three shots over a stretch of time.


Don’t they have to have all of their vaccines before they go to their university? I think they checked the medical records when attending LSU.

In regard to the chip - what I can't figure out is why would anybody bother inventing such a thing when 90% of us are willingly carrying around phones that are tracking everything we do?

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