
I’m trying to keep up my New Year’s resolution of exercising, but I’m struggling! I can’t easily leave the house to participate in classes or go to the gym, and I don’t have anyone to encourage me or hold me accountable for exercising at home.

I know I’m not the only one feeling like this! Would anyone else like to become long-distance workout buddies on this website?

- What motivates you to exercise?

- What are your goals?

- What exercise activities do you enjoy or find work the best for you?

If you’re interested, let’s encourage each other and share our accomplishments. Maybe this will help motivate positive change in our lives.

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I really like barre classes. This month I am in NY getting our house ready for sale. We have moved to SC for retirement and for better and more affordable AL for my mother. I used to take classes here but that studio closed and I just feel so overwhelmed with packing. I can't wait to get this house on the market and go back to SC and classes there and the life I prefer. I am so over living in NY.

I'm in! I try to get exercise every day. I miss it when I don't, usually at bedtime when I find I have more trouble falling asleep if I haven't at least done a little something for a few minutes, however minor.

Tonight my sister I share caregiving with took the reins after being away today, and I went for a nice long walk to a nearby park, where I could go on a little mini-hike and see some sun-tipped clouds at sunset.

Hiking/walking in nature is my favorite exercise. I've never tried barre, but I used to love yoga B.C.(Before Caregiving). I might go back to trying to go to a weekly class again, for the structure a class gives. Having a set time when you HAVE to stretch and breathe is great. The $$$ is a factor. I have had a wonderful yoga teacher for several years who has urged me to come back to her class without paying, but of course I feel weird about doing that.

JuliaRose, what exercise are you planning to do at home? Exercise tapes? YouTube exercise? Old-school calisthenics? Dancing to a favorite song?

It's great to hear from you both! Snoopy, it sounds like you have a good routine of being active. I agree with you that I do best by attending an exercise class, but that's not possible right now. Riverdale, I'm impressed that you do barre! I was never flexible enough to enjoy that, but I envy those who can.

No more excuses for me. That's why I started this thread. I have to exercise, but again I let today slip by without moving! (unless you count showering my hubby and commode transfers...)

Here are the reasons I want to exercise: I'm still in my 30s, but my muscles are very tight and my shoulder and hip joints are starting to hurt. I also have poor posture probably due to weak back muscles. Plus, a big eye opener has been watching over the last 5 years the toll of not exercising on the human body and mind. It is scary to see the muscles waste away. I don't want that to happen to me.

I OWE it to Myself to not let my life pass me by, but to treat my body and mind well. I'm great at making plans, but execution is the key...

Here are my ideas:
- 2 days a week, walk outside for 20 minutes (I do this already)
- One day a week, go to the gym. Ideally, Tuesdays (as if I can schedule anything)
- 2 days a week, do a Zumba video
- 2 days a week ... I'm not sure. If I had an elliptical at home, I'd do that. Any ideas?

I tried to start the mornings with a 10-minute stretching Pilates video each morning. I noticed improvement in my tight muscles and joints, but then I stopped for no reason. It's so easy to stop... ugh.

Monday goal: stretch in the AM, then do zumba when convenient. I'll let you know how it goes.

What's your goal for the day?

I am game.

My goal is to exercise at least 5 minutes in the morning before I start my day and 5 minutes at night before bed. Once I start exercising, I usually keep going for about 10 minutes. I've been watching self defense/martial art for fitness videos on YouTube and follow along. It helps motivate me.

Each day, I'll post here to let others know if I did or didn't exercise. I plan to weigh myself at the end of this month, and I will report how much weigh loss (hopefully not gain) since the last time I got on the scale (end of November).

Lets get healthy!!!


This is great! Wish all caregivers really devoted some time to do something for THEM. And although I know exercising is not necessarily pleasurable ( ‘me’ time should ideally be enjoyable) it brings so many benefits to our physical and mental health.
So here is what I started doing about two weeks ago since I get up early anyway and after all my morning to-dos here in the house and for my mom are completed, I go to the gym and do cardio first (the elliptical), which I find is the most difficult part, so I like to get it done with first 😆. And I create imaginary competition, for example once I calculate I have been on the elliptical for about ten minutes I look for someone that is just starting and say to myself: I’ll keep doing it for ten minutes extra after he or she finishes; or I compete with the calories burned, since I can see others machines, I try to burn more calories than others doing it for the same amount of time I am.
Call me crazy but it motivates me and keeps me engaged..and entertained! Oh, and I watch TV so I’m not only focused on the exercise or on how tired I am, normally The Big Bang Theory or Friends...and I know that after one and a half shows I will be done! Lol I do it for about 35 minutes.
Then I work on my abs with two different machines, I think in total I do about five series of ten in one and three series of ten in the other. Then I do arms and legs. So I try to work on all areas.
Im also modifying how I eat, cutting down carbs and sugar almost to nothing, and having a very complete lunch -healthy but yummy, made by me- and no dinner. So far I have lost about 7 pounds, but my goal is to lose more, so I definitely appreciate this idea to motivate each other and to keep ourselves honest! Thank you Julia, and will keep in touch! Good luck with your exercising plan and let’s do it!!!

Also trying to exercise more. Walking outside and dancing to music at home. Hoping to lose some stomach fat so my outfits look better.

I love workout DVDs and my goal is to do one every morning. That fluctuates based on how I'm feeling. Hoping to lose a few pounds and gain more energy

I never liked those 20 minute over the top workout videos, they were too intense for me even when I was younger. I've found a couple of very easy 15 - 20 minute exercise for seniors videos on youtube that I've been using just to get myself off my a** and moving. I do try to get out and walk most days too.

OK - I'm motivated. Will get dressed now and start exercising with a YouTube video

That's great, everyone! I wish we could reply to individual posts. Just imagine that I'm sending encouragement to each of you.

As for myself, I completed my morning pilates... It's a nice video by the seaside, not too rigorous like many of the videos. Cwillie, I agree that many are too intense. Maybe you'd like this video, too:

I successfully did the Zumba YouTube video, too! I almost chickened out because my hubby was very needy today, not wanting me to leave his vicinity, but instead, I set up my laptop in his room with the sound on low and jumped around for 20 minutes trying to copy the movements. It’s a tough workout! I’m sure I looked hilarious, but he didn’t comment.

Hard to believe that 20 minutes of exercise a day can change your life and make you less likely to get diabetes, high blood pressure, etc!

I too am trying to get back in shape. Hard to find time and motivation. But I am determined, and this accountability thing might be beneficial to us all.
So I have been eating healthy. Started riding my exercise bike for about 2 hours every night after Mom goes to bed.
Today I got good cardio and strength training in cutting, splitting and stacking wood. :)
I want to start my exercise Dvd next Monday, that is when I can begin to set aside the time. It is called power 90, it has cardio and strength training, and I have done it before and had great results. So I am desperate to get back in the shape I was bc.
Best wishes everyone, we can do this. YES WE CAN!! Right? :)

Seeing this thread reminds me it's time to get up and start my day with some exercise...

My A1C level is at borderline at last year's test. I intend to lower it this year and stay within the normal range,

I like this thread. I wanted to mention I think it's important not to get into negative self-talk if we do not meet a particular objective but instead focus on the long term habits we are building. I hope we find something we enjoy that makes us feel better afterward.
I live in the Midwest. It was 20 below zero last week, then snowed, now an ice storm. Getting outside is hit and miss. I go to the Y and do the treadmill, and just enrolled in a 6-week Tai Chi class. Other than that, each morning I take a few minutes to stretch, breathe and do light weight lifts. Maybe it's my age or just stress, but about a year ago I woke up with aches and pains in my joints I've never felt before and knew I had to do something for myself.

Went for a short walk outside yesterday evening despite raininess and brief hail. (I was walking along with an umbrella and a reasonably gentle pitter-patter of rain then suddenly feeling crunchiness underfoot and thinking, Oh, hail no!!) Detoured to return up a hilly street to get extra leg work in.

I have a pretty good walking routine going already, so my current exercise goal is to get back into a bit of strength training to build muscle: squats, push-ups and using the pro-quality kettle bell from the kettle bell class I used to take a couple of years ago.

My problem is that I completely forget to do any strength training except for times when I can't do it (for example, right during or after a meal, about to go to bed when my body needs to wind down, etc.). I need to try to link it to a walk or some other activity. . .

2 days in a row! I’m on a roll... lol! Let’s see if I can exercise every day for a week. Anyone want to join me?

If you like beginner zumba, I found the dancers very sweet and full of positivity that wasn’t fake on this video:

Ginger, that’s so true about keeping positive even if you miss a few days or run into difficulty. Just get back into it.

Snoopy, I do the same with bad timing!

Julia - I'm with you. Will exercise everyday.

Hilarious exercise video. Thought I'd share.

Hilarious, especially the two people on the side lol

Jolly funny! I'm with Mallory.

PolarBear, Great! Let’s do this!

That video... 😄

watching a Fitness Blend video on YouTube and following along...

Day 3 (yesterday) of 7 was successful. I did sit ups, push ups, stretches, and exercises with hand weights for 15 minutes. I’m starting to feel a bit sore, so I think it’s working!

I haven’t done anything yet today, but plan to after dinner. I have to keep it up and meet the 7 day challenge, right PolarBear?

Hm, I'm tired just reading that. You go girl😉

It sounds worse than it was! I started with the mindset to do five, and rested. Then, I aimed for 5 more.

The hard thing is now it’s 10:20, and I had no chance to exercise nor do my schoolwork today. (I teach) Should I pass today? I still have a few hours until my usual bedtime. I think I’ll look for a 15 minute stretch video. That’s the best I can do!

Hi JuliaRose. Don't be too hard on yourself.

When I'm short on time, I do my exercise right before going to sleep, for about 5 minutes. I do 10 sit ups in bed, it gets my heart pumping, I rest, then do 10 more. Then I do the leg lifting, maybe 10 repetitions and 10 more, then call it the day. It usually takes less than 5 minute total, but it gets my heart rate up.

15 minutes is good if you can find the time. What I find is that I only want to commit to a minimum of 5 minutes, then if I want to I can continue, and I usually do. So, if I can't do more than 5, I don't feel so guilty.

You all are doing great.
I split more wood today for my cardio. Plus doing my 2 hour bike ride. Trying to get some time to do sit ups and pushups and weights. I really try and get a work out in whatever I have to do for the day.
Don't forget to be drinking your water. I probably drink over a gallon a day. But, I like water. People get dehydrated in winter as well as summer. Your muscles need that water.
I am way more boring than ya'll.
Keep up the good work.

Meshque- wow!!! You did gooood.

I remembered this online challenge today and did 21 good, legit squats while my dad brushed his teeth! Now need to start doing upper body stuff. . .

Finally finished about 10 minutes of cardio exercise with multiple interruptions by my mom in between.

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