How about real pain meds, like Vicodin or Oxycontin? At 95, get a hospice referral for whomever this is and morphine should take the pain away. In the meantime, have a prescription written for an opioid.

Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to lealonnie1
AlvaDeer Apr 22, 2024
Going to need to go to palliative care these days to get the strong meds, I think. Docs have been made to frightened to order them. Also, for elders, the constipation can be so severe with these that there is bowel obstruction. They can cause falls. Really need a hospice situation almost for these today. And as with all pain meds, they so often cause rebound pain.
Are you sure that it's her arthritis that is causing her extreme pain and not perhaps the fact that she's 95 and may be nearing end of life?
I only ask because my late husband in his last year or so of his life was in extreme pain that even hospice couldn't get under control in an in-home setting.
So perhaps it's time to bring hospice in and let them see if they can't get her pain somewhat under control, as I know the dying process itself can be very painful, as all the organs start to shut down.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to funkygrandma59

It is terribly difficult to tell how much pain is present in those with dementia who are suffering from arthritis.
Sometimes a low dose anti-depressant helps as much as any pain medication.
Pain cycles in a sort of formed pathway in the brain. At age 95 just about "everything" can be quite achy.
I would discuss this with the MD, as that is the person who best knows his/her patient, and can best experiment with options.
If there is no relief I would at this age give a lot of consideration to palliative care, where there are more options for medication or Hospice. There are also pain specialists to consider if this is a matter of someone in chronic pain.

I am so sad this is happening for your senior. Chronic, unrelieved pain is terribly depressing. While at 81 (also unable to take NSAIDS or most other pain relievers due to history of diverticulitis which they exacerbate) I have a good deal of chronic aches and pains in back and knees, I get out and about and even garden (if more slowly). Movement helps me a great deal, and in all honesty, at this point, after a decade without pain meds, I feel as good as I did WITH them a decade ago. So attempt to help your elder keep those joints "oiled up".
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

We use apple cider vinegar with raw honey made into an 8 Oz drink by adding water, it helps with the arthritis pain, 4 generations now.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal
Geaton777 Apr 22, 2024
" cider vinegar is, itself, highly acidic...

... side effects of apple cider vinegar use include:

- Decreased potassium: Don’t use apple cider vinegar if you have low potassium levels, also known as hypokalemia. There’s a chance that you could make the condition worse.

- Interactions with medicines: Apple cider vinegar interacts with some medications, including insulin and diuretics (water pills). If you take any medications, you should ask your doctor before adding apple cider vinegar into the mix."

My 94-yr old Mom has osteoarthritis and I've taken her to the pain clinic at our ortho practice (it's a large one). One thing she may be able to tolerate is topical anti-inflammatories (I can't remember the name of this medication). It is a prescription lotion only and needs to be applied more than 1 time day (in her case it was 4). Other than that, there's no other real options that aren't more invasive for her.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

Not easy to find, but any acupuncturists around who specialize in the elderly?

First time I tried acupuncture was for a tremendous plain flare-up from an old injury. Went in pretty desperately with a , ‘ Might as well try this’, and left absolutely amazed how well it worked. Acupuncture is my go-to now for pain and inflammation issues I can’t shake. Caveat, I respond really well to acupuncture, every client and doctor is different.

Take Care,
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Madisoncuckoo7

They have a strong Lavender cream which I really Like get at 2000 strength . at Happy hemp Buddha in Colorado or try a Liquid CBD Mint chocolate from FIVE That May help relieve the Pain .
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to KNance72

CBD? I don't have personal experience with it but would consider it as an option for my Mom or a LO with chronic pain.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777

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