
He’s starting daycare next week and I’m afraid he will resist going. Any suggestions?

Be excited and happy he is going, tell him you got him in for free, what a great deal! Tell him he gets some fun stuff to do and even lunch. Make it sound wonderful and keep smiling.

If he resists, tell him you have your own Doctor appts. arranged and he needs to go to help you take care of yourself, or you may get sick and then who will take care of him? Good Luck!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Dawn88

You can tell him that he's going to help volunteer with the other folks there, as they really need his help. Or you can do what one wife did for her husband who was reluctant to go to adult daycare, and she told him that he was going there to work. After a few weeks, he asked his wife why he wasn't getting paid for "working" there, and his wife started handing one of the aides a $20 bill each Friday, so she could hand it to her husband and thank him for all of his work. And then the wife would bring back that same $20 bill on Monday, to start the game all over again.

Please don't over think this. Your loved one, like most will love going there and will actually look forward to going. Just make sure you let your loved one try it for several times to see what works best for them.
One story shared in my caregiver support group was of a husband who loved going so much that he would wake up on the weekends and get ready to go, and didn't believe his wife that they were closed on weekends, so she would have to put him in the car and take him there to show him.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised as how great these places are, and what good care they take of our loved ones.
I wish you and you loved one the very best. And make sure that you're taking this break away from your loved one to do something that you enjoy, even if it's just to rest.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Is the bus or van going to pick him up?
If so the drivers are amazing at getting people on the bus.
You can tell him that he is "going to work". or "Honey they need you to help today"
I know of someone that used to give the director of the Day Care $5.00 and on Friday the director would give her husband "his pay" for the week.
And yes he may resist but so do kids when the first start school.
He is leaving the "safety" of his home, of you and what he knows and is getting onto a bus and going who knows where. After a few days he will get used to it.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Grandma1954

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