
The only thing he enjoys is a simple breakfast out.

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Take him out for breakfast every day! I love a good stack of pancakes, sausages and eggs, too!

Are you concerned about his fatigue and lack of interest in doing anything else? Sounds like my husband. It might be the vascular dementia causing a lack of initiative. He also might be depressed. Mine is similar.

Can you try to establish a routine: go out to eat 3 days a week, go to the senior center, go to the park for a walk, watch his favorite show in the evening before bed, etc? A routine might help him.

I saw your profile. Now would be a great time to introduce him to an assistant around the house. It could be a local kid from the neighborhood who he can build model airplanes with or together take care of yard work. Or, maybe it’s a hired caregiver who can help you do laundry and assist more with his needs as time goes on. You can’t do it all alone, and there are often people willing to help or for hire. Your local office of aging might also have assistance programs to help pay for a caregiver in the house a few hours a week or the cost of attending a senior center. I’m glad you reached out on the forum, Eloise. <hugs>
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Eloise1943 Jun 2019
Thank you so much. I am trying to do all that you suggested. Took him out this morning for breakfast and them came home and watched church on tv. He really wasn’t interested. This group is going to help me. I am going to get a white board to write down what we will do that week so he can see it Part of the problem is that I am tired and just starting to adjust to all of this. Thank you for your response I really appreciate it
blessings to you
My husband does not have dementia but is bed bound. Today, he has been asleep since about 2PM and it is currently 9:51. He is also talking and making noises in his sleep and neither one of us knows why. Hubby lays in bed all day and watches reruns from 50 years ago. He cannot tell me what’s going on with the shows or the plot. He says it’s “background noise”.

Take your husband out as much as you possibly can. Not just for breakfast but to the park, and anywhere else you can think of that will keep him as aware as possible that there is still a world out there. I can’t get mine out of the house. He hasn’t been out in 13 months.

Give yourself time to become accustomed to this new reality. And come back often. (((Hugs)))
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