
I've posted a couple of times before. This is an update and a plea for help.

Mom is 76 and has had MS for 50+ years. She moved away from her family 35 years ago with a man who became her caregiver. They were very secretive about her health and needs, so we never had a clear picture of how she was doing.

Her partner passed away, and mom was brought back to the area where her family lives. We acquired the house next door to mine with the intention of making this a group family effort. My brother moved in with her, stair lifts were installed (it's a 2 story house). I pay her bills, manage appointments, etc. and my brother does the hands-on caregiving. I have severe COPD, and the accompanying limitations.

My brother works a part time job mid afternoon to about 10 PM. I have a corporate job that I, thankfully, work from my home office. I work about 60 hours a week.

Mom insists on using the stair lift on her own when she knows it's unsafe to do so. Initially, she was lying about using it, but we caught her at it several times. She won't stop. She has chronic UTIs, but frankly it's hard to tell the difference between that weird behavior and her status quo.

Many, many PT/OT people have been sent packing. Same as the visiting nurse she agreed to that her doctor set up. It was supposed to be M/W/F. The nurse came on Monday and it was fine. The nurse returned on Wednesday and mom went nuts on her and ordered her out of the house. We're getting used to constantly apologizing for her.

She really shouldn't be left alone when my brother goes to work. When it's warmer out, I can go sit with her (even though she resents it and is abusive the whole time), but I can't do that in the winter because of my lungs. She refuses to allow a third party come in and sit with her.

Lately, she has been saying that she wants to "get out from under my thumb". My "thumb" being that I remind her that it's not safe to use the stair lift when she's alone or asking her what she had for dinner. She said she would like to move to an apartment or assisted living so that she "wouldn't be a burden" to us. Of course, any time she has been in rehab or when her partner would take advantage of a respite opportunity, it's been total tears the whole time: "Get me out of here", "I hate it here", "I want to go home".

She has been hospitalized three times since she came back into our lives last June, and had a couple of weeks of rehab after each hospitalization. Hated the first two. Really liked the last place, which also has a residence facility next door. Talked to her about that place. She was gung ho.

I called them last week and explained the situation. The person I spoke to consulted with the rehab staff, looked at mom's record of her recent stay and said she would likely be "level 2 care" Assisted Living (there are 2 higher levels of care above this) and lo and behold they have ONE 1 bedroom apartment that will be available after carpeting is replaced tomorrow.

Now all of a sudden, mom is totally against it. She says she doesn't want to leave her house (which she tells us literally dozens of times a week how much she hates it and that she wants an apartment). Won't let anyone come to the house to help her. She is defiant. Talks non-stop about wanting to die.

We cannot go on like this. This is killing my brother, and it's killing me. She sabotages our every attempt to keep her safe and as healthy as she can be. She lies. She tries to pit me against my brother and vice versa (but we are wise to it, and have made her aware that there are no secrets between us).

To be completely honest, she has always been a miserable person. She has never been a loving, affectionate mom. She seems hell bent on self-destruction and it appears she wants to take us with her.

I refuse. My brother refuses. This has got to stop. What options do we have? My brother has no intention of abandoning her, but he can't continue like this. Please help.

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Does your mother not get Social Security? Have you looked into Medicaid?

You sound hopeless and helpless. Are you taking care of your own health?
Helpful Answer (16)

So glad I found this site because you have just described my mother to a "t". No matter what I do, it's not enough. But, she will say that I don't have to fix lunch and then complain later because she didn't get lunch. Everything is always wrong: the bread is stale, is that ham still good, my coffee is too strong....I have to think every detail through so she won't complain and there is always something. The woman doesn't know how to say please or thank you. I am at my wit's end. She is very passive-aggressive. She favors my brother and it is no secret. The other brother, who is very good to her, gets no credit for all he does. I don't know how I am going to be able to do this for the long term. My home has an apartment for her and she fixes her own breakfast. I only see her a couple of times a day but every contact is stressful. I set up her medications and order, as needed, fix supper, and wash her clothes. I take her to doctors' appointments. My brothers come once a week for an hour and it is a nice, social visit. She has lost all her friends and only enjoys a couple of outside activities but not her grandchildren. She watches TV all day and is not interested in books or hobbies. Poor mobility, chronic pain, and poor vision. She has no money for senior living or a nursing home.
Helpful Answer (25)

Tinkster, I feel for you. I am in a similar situation. You hit a few key words defiant, self-destructive, unsafe behavior, sabotaging behavior. Mine walks around with Oxygen around her neck, smoking. I'm waiting for combustion and fire-rescue. It's a sad situation. I'm battling breast cancer and you got COPD. We want what's best for them, but they just don't seem to get it. Good luck! Check out my post if you get a chance.
Helpful Answer (8)

Thank you for sharing blannie I am going through the exact same thing it’s like you are writing my life so I really appreciate everyone’s thoughts
Helpful Answer (6)

You are about to go through one of many difficult steps. Your mother's decision to go into assisted living or stay in her home or going to go back and forth in her mind. She needs to be in a safe environment and you just need to move her. She will get angry, emotional and mean. You just have to do it and she will adjust over time. You have to keep in mind that you are making the decisions for her. She may have moments of clarity but overall she is unable to make her own decisions. May God be with you on this difficult Journey. Try not to stress and take it one day at a time.
Helpful Answer (34)

Thank you.
I read back posts but my comment is relevant for anyone going through this.
We can not allow our parents, no matter how much we love, them to take our mental, physical, psychological, and spiritual health from us.
Helpful Answer (64)

This is a old thread and was resolved a long time ago. If you read back you will see how.
Helpful Answer (8)

I guess l don't understand why your mom was not put in assistant living...her doctor can get that set up for her an get a mental evaluation, an get her placed,were they can handle her. I think the two of you are fabulous Caregiver Warriors. A job well done, you should be proud! God Bless & good luck to both💝
Helpful Answer (5)

Once again I read that the one who needs assistance is calling the shots!
"She refuses to allow a third party come in and sit with her."
Why do we continue to cater to our parents every whim? Enough!
Hire someone immediately to look after her so you can get on with your life!
She'll whine and complain...let her! This is killing you and your brother!
And to be honest...she doesn't care.
Let that guide your decision!
Helpful Answer (40)

Hi Tinkster. Sorry for what you go through.
A part of the problem is the stairs, the house configuration, and another part is your mom's unwillingness to collaborate. You are not alone. I think elderly people cannot accept that their health deteriorates, th ey depend on you and there is no way back to what they were years ago.
Since she is strong willed about her home vs assisted living, you can either isolate/lock the second floor, by adding a door, or sell that house and buy another nearby (be alert when an opportunity is available).
Working from home is not fun, and kudos for collaborating with your brother in this.
Helpful Answer (3)

You were going to have to make the decision for her. Her mind is going to change back and forth. She cannot make clear decisions and will be very argumentative. I suggest secretly packing her stuff, she won't know it's gone. Make arrangements for her to go into assisted living and set a date. It is going to be the longest and worst drive of your life. When she moves in there she will be depressed and have more behaviors. I recommend talking with your doctor about medication to try to keep her calm and out of severe depression. Eventually she will be compliant and get familiar with her surroundings. It's a long road and it's a difficult one, but you need to do what's best for her and what's best for you.
Helpful Answer (15)

I read your notes several times. You seem like intelligent, compassionate people who gave gone the limit as to taking care of her. Now she is doing nothing but causing problems for you and your brother. Are you going to allow this until she has destroyed both of you? God, I hope not. If you think about it, you will realize you have no choice but to put her somewhere to be cared for. You have a right to live a peaceful life and with her there, you won't have a chance.
Helpful Answer (12)

Move her into the ALF immediately before they tive away that one room! You have to take back your life.
Helpful Answer (13)

This is an absolutely untenable situation. I will try to keep my answer simple. You say that this has got to stop but your brother has no intention of abandoning her. Turn her care over to your brother. You have much too much on you plate right now and one of you has to move. You and your brother have turned control of your life over to a mean-spirited, emotionally crippled individual. It's time to make a complete change. Soul search and pray and when you feel you are ready to cut the ties, make the move and remain stalwart. Don't renege. Don't give in. If you feel you can still be manipulated then you will not be able to remain resolute. One small crack in your facade will doom to yet another round of misery. Your mother feeds off both of you. If your brother still wishes to be part of that, then turn it over to him. Clearly you are kind and giving and have gone way beyond what anyone should or could be able to do. May our Lord lead you in your decisions.
Helpful Answer (14)

I would try to assure her that the assisted living facility is on a trial basis. She says she wants an apartment, so play up the apartment aspect. Tell her she is test driving the place and can come back to the house if the apartment doesn't work out long term. You pay for it on a month to month basis. Aging in place at one facility is always a plus. Lots of good advice to looking at meds for depression/bipolar, and join a MS support group.
In the short term, I would disable the stair lift and tell her it broke. Bless you all.
Helpful Answer (9)

Well you said WE, apparently, your brother is on his own then. My mom constantly had UT'S, an got crazier than the norm, if you can't handle it, it is time for the home, or just your brother. Don't wait to long as you know this dementia does not get better. The best to you, do what you have to do. Wishing you the best💝
Helpful Answer (2)

Hi..also please keep in mind that if she is abusive and you inest in assisted living, she may be asked to leave so maybe another type of care facility that is specialized in thi s type of care would be better option especially if ehat you say she is a danger to herself and possibly others if her temper gets the control of her actions towards others and you definitely do not want to be in that type of situation.
Helpful Answer (3)

Sounds like you an your brother can handle your mom just fine. So why haven't you put her in a home? She was never happy an you think what? She will get over being angry, or as my father use to say.....she will be angry for a long time. lf you an your brother haven't made her happy by now, l asume it isn't going to happen. You will be happy when she is in the home. You have the option to visit as looooong as you like! Right? The best to the both of you...💝
Helpful Answer (4)


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WOW....Dear God...were is her Doctor....sounds like it's past time for a intervention. The Doctor is a great place to start.. get a honest evaluation, then you an your brother...need to decide were she can can visit....always! Best to you both💝God Bless you for your efforts.
Helpful Answer (1)

Apparently you are right! She is h*ll bent on taking you both with her. The question you have to ask is if you can afford physically & mentally to do so. I recently had to let my mother have her way and move out of the house. I was already sick & could not afford to be subject to more of her subjections in order to have a clear conscious.
Helpful Answer (4)

Under your circumstances I would not hesitate to contact Adult Protective Services for their help. They do not charge. There is an APS in almost every city and town.
Helpful Answer (5)

Call adult protective services
Helpful Answer (2)

Is there a way to unplug the chair lift while you and your brother are not with your Mom?
Helpful Answer (6)

It's nice to know you and your brother are working together. Is there a way to unplug the chair lift while you and your brother are not with her?
Helpful Answer (1)

After reading this entire thread, my only response is, why are you still doing this? Let your mother go her way. This may sound harsh, but I have seen too many people allowing themselves to be doormats for others, and I finally decided that they must get something out of being a doormat. There is no other explanation for returning time and time again to people who use and abuse you. It's like the battered wife who keeps going back to her husband. Why? Your obligation to your mother does not include saving her from her own bad decisions. You should have severed all contact with her when she moved next to Bad Brother and you resigned from your legal obligations to her.
Helpful Answer (6)

To those who recently commented:
Tinkster first posted 2 years ago and a lot has happened since then.
Helpful Answer (4)

Tinkster - well I've read it all mostly your posts and bottom line - - SH*T OR GET OF THE POT!!! My goodness how much more are you going to put up with? Call your mom ONE LAST time say "good-bye" then hang up, change your phone #, DON'T respond to her, her attorneys, doctors, your BB his wife, etc. etc. Your mom is ON HER OWN by HER OWN DOING. Let her go!!!! Divorce yourself from her for YOUR OWN health, well being and your new husband and your life. Seek counseling if you must but please let this person go from your life-period. Go back and read your posts-without her your life was going good with her your life sucks. YOU DON'T NEED this and IT'S NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. You have dissolved your POA now give up the rest!!! Get on with YOUR life and it's okay to rid all the negative, toxic people from your life. Quit being a door mat!! I know growing up wasn't the best you've realized that so quit beating yourself up over this and LET IT ALL GO!! Hugs-friendly.
Helpful Answer (8)

Get legal advice and resign POA. Guardianship? Do you really want to be tied to her that way?
Helpful Answer (5)

Because I am older and have chronic UTIs ( ad have had my entire adult life) i have found..D-mannose is a kind of sugar that is related to glucose.

D-mannose is used for preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs) and treating carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome, an inherited metabolic disorder.

How does it work?
D-mannose might treat the deficiency caused by a genetic defect that causes abnormal breakdown and production of mannose. D-mannose might prevent certain kinds of bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and causing infection. It is very effective in preventing them. Older women who get UTIs are often particularly hard to deal with so preventing them might be a possibility. Never take abuse as it does neither party any favors. Draw your boundaries and enforce them. You may have to either disable the chair or put an alarm on it.
Helpful Answer (5)

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